Where Is It?

               Dr. Dean, a cardiac surgeon, hears the dreaded noise. Oh no, not that noise, Dr. Dean thinks to himself. He rushes to find the defibrillator.

               "Where is it, where is it?" Dr. Dean whispers in a frustrated voice, meanwhile seeing no sign of the defibrillator he most desperately needed.

               The nurses rush in. The anesthesiologist checks her calculations, making sure she did not make the mistake no one wanted to have to break to Bill's parents. Surgeons sprinting to find the nearest doctor that could help.

               "How could I have let this happen? I promised them he would be okay," Dr. Dean says, anxiously still looking for the stubborn instrument.

               It has been fifteen minutes, no progress has been made on the hunt for the defibrillator. Dr. Dean's glimmer in his eyes flickers out. He realizes he must break the news to the parents. He walks, slowly, keeping track of each new step he takes. Coordinating his pace like a heartbeat, something Bill no longer had. The double doors that read EXIT gradually near him. He takes one step, then two, three, four, five, six...until he finally reaches Bill's parents. Keeping his head down, Dr. Dean can sense the anxiety and worry that fill their faces. How could he tell them their son was dead?


  1. I liked the way you left the reader thinking at the end with a question. It also made me want to know how Dr. Dean told the parents.

  2. You did a really good job using vivid details and quotations. I liked how you concluded with a question. Goof job!

  3. The dialogue in your blog makes the story sound so much more real. I like the suspense you get from imagining the doctor taking every individual step towards the exit door.

  4. The dialogue in this story really makes you feel like you are there. Although, I do find this story to be a little unrealistic because hospitals have defibrillators in every room. The use of the word dreaded also sets the somber mood for the entire story.

  5. This is really creative and well written. I also like how your last sentence is a question.


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