Draft Thesis

               Order and organization collapse on the island due to the savages and their obsession with hunting.

Chapter 3, page 51. 
               The madness came into his eyes again.
               "I thought I might kill."
               "But you didn't." [...]
               "You wouldn't care to help with the shelters, I suppose?"
               "We want meat--"

The context of this quotation is when Jack gets back from trying to kill a pig, but he does not succeed at killing the pig. Ralph is upset because he was working hard all day trying to keep order by building the shelter that the boys needed. Ralph sees that Jack's obsession with killing pigs has the potential to destroy them, and eventually does.


  1. I really like how you related your quote to your thesis. I had never thought about this quote in that way before. Good job!

  2. I like the insight you get from this quote into Ralph. Great job with this!


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