The Help by Kathryn Stockett

               In The Help by Kathryn Stockett, I have noticed a variety of things including the voice and the social structure of the time period in which the book is set. The voice of the book is one of a realistic sounding dialect of an African American maid in the 1960s. Due to the time that Aibeleen and Minny live in, I figure that the two didn't have the same education that some other people got. For example, she says things like, "After while, Miss Leefolt huff and go out to the carport."

               I have also noticed the social structure of the time period in which the book is set. The novel is set in 1960s Jackson, Mississippi, where there is still segregation. For example, many rich, white families have "colored bathrooms" for their maids. These families even go to say that the bathrooms bring more property value to their homes. Another example is when Minny is shocked to have a white woman offer her a drink: " I look at Miss Celie Rae Foote hard. I've never in my life had a white woman tell me to sit down so she can serve me a cold drink Shoot, now I'm wondering if this fool even plans on hiring a maid or if she just drug me all the way out her for sport." This exemplifies the fact that it wasn't unheard of for a white person to tease and make fun of someone who was black.


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