Reading Response: The Help

               In The Help by Kathryn Stockett, I notice that the author formats her book in an interesting way and keeps the readers' attention by keeping some things unsaid. The author formats her book by chapters, but each chapter is either in Minny's voice or Aibileen's voice. These are two maids that have drastically contrasting personalities and views. I have seen this type of formatting before, but what makes it even more interesting is the fact that the author gives each character two chapters to explain their views. Normally, authors will have a different view point for each chapter.

               The author also keeps the readers' attention by keeping some things in the characters' lives a secret. For example, Minny keeps bringing up that she did something unimaginable and unmentionable to Miss Hilly. The reader can tell that Minny has done something terrible and inappropriate, but the author decides not to mention what it is. The author continues to bring the subject up, and she continues to shy away from telling the reader what it is that Minny did. This keeps the readers wondering and keeps their attention in the book.


  1. I loved the way you described this book. the help sounds amazing!


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