Reading Response: Us and Them

               In Us and Them by David Sedaris the author uses figurative language to express ideas to the reader and asks questions to get the reader to think. The author expresses his ideas through figurative language such as irony. For example, when he is explaining that Mr. Tomkey doesn't believe in television he includes the fact that the narrator's mom and dad also don't like TV. The ironic part is that right after the narrator's parents say they don't believe in TV, they turn on the TV and start watching it. This shows that the parents aren't really against television.

               The author also includes a lot of questions to get the readers thinking like they are the narrator. For example, the author includes this question that goes through the narrator's mind: "What must it be like to be so ignorant and alone? Could a normal person even imagine it?" This allows the reader to get into the narrator's mind and think like he does. It also portrays the way the narrator thinks to the readers.


  1. You did a very impressive job of analyzing this narrative and it is evident in your entry. Your entry actually helps me understand the narrative even more!


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