Human Nature

               Human nature is a mixture of bad and good. It is not always bad; sometimes it can be good. Human nature can be bad when humans need to get things done for their survival. Humans will practically do anything to survive in their environment. This could be surviving with enough food and water, or it could be surviving the social environment humans are in. For example, if someone is around a lot of students making fun of one kid. The kid is clearly being bullied or being made fun of. This person knows it is wrong to make fun of a kid, but he doesn't do anything about for the fear of being made fun of himself. He is doing whatever it takes, though it may be wrong, to be socially accepted by his peers.

               Human nature has its times of good still. A prime example of good human nature is in small children. For example, a parent may be rude to someone or say a mean thing. The small child will hear this and will tell their parent to "be nice" or "don't be mean." All of these things are not necessarily learned, though parents still teach them to their children. Children know when someone needs help or is being rude. They do not have the worries of whether society will judge them for sticking up for people, so they don't consider the consequences.


  1. I completely agree with you. I liked how you used examples to show human nature! Good job!


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