Thanksgiving Break

               My Thanksgiving Break was not all that eventful. A friend and I both took Drivers Ed. We started Saturday and through to Wednesday. We both passed, even though we stressed for hours that we wouldn't.

               On Thanksgiving Day, I went over to my sister's house in Plaquemine. My brother-in-law, Blake, and his whole family joined our family to celebrate the day. The next day I went to see a movie and hang out with some friends, and then I went to a soccer practice. That weekend, my family and I started decorating our house for Christmas.


  1. I really enjoyed reading this blog. It didn't sound like your break was all that bad.

  2. Congratulations on passing your driving test! Your break sounded very relaxing yet fun.

  3. Your break sounded really chill and restful! I am glad you passed the test.

  4. Your break sounds relaxing and festive! I'm glad you passed your driving test, I am also worried about passing.


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