Snow Days

               These past few days off were definitely a surprise for me. I didn't think the school was going to even get canceled on Tuesday. So it's been great to have a lot of days of from school. I have been working on my emergency closure lessons every day. I haven't been having soccer practice, though, because it's been too cold.

               I have been taking these days to hang out with friends a bit, too. Today, I actually went over to someone's house to watch movies and hang out for a while. It was really fun to get out of the house and to not be working a school work. I am really looking forward to having a one-day week this week!


  1. I agree. I'm so happy about no soccer practice and also can't wait for the one-day week!

  2. The days from school is a great break. I'm glad I don't have to walk around in this cold weather.

  3. I enjoyed the snow days myself too! Did you build a snowman?

  4. I liked the snow days too and enjoyed having breaks from ECL's. The days off were a surprise for me too.

  5. The snow days were fun! The ECLs took up most of my time, but it was still fun to have almost a week off from school.


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