Song Lyrics

I picked "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus because it was one of my favorite songs as a kid. In this song, it uses anaphora, sibilance, and assonance to convey its meaning of never giving up and continuing to try. 

Keep on moving
Keep climbing
Keep the faith baby
It's all about
It's all about

The climb
Keep the faith
Keep your faith

Anaphora is used here by repeating the words keep and the word phrase it's all about. This emphasizes to continue to try and never give up. The word phrase, it's all about, also allows listeners to understand that the end goal isn't always the most important. Really, she wants to convey that the journey is what's the most important.

There's a voice inside my head saying
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

Sibilance is used here to soften the effect of the song. It calms the audience by using the 's' sounds. She wants to convey that the audience should not worry about the end goal, but relax throughout the journey. 

I'm always gonna wanna make it move

Assonance is used here to make the song more laid back. The long 'a' sound is used to make these words longer. Again, it helps the audience not take the song too seriously because the point of the song is to let people know not to stress about the end goals. 


  1. I love that song! You have really good examples for the terms you are analyzing.

  2. You broke down the song very well. I like the way you analyzed the lyrics, great song!


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