Political Article Post

A Day of Women's Inaction by Ashley Pratte

               In A Day of Women's Inaction, Ashley Pratte explains to the reader that women's marches and "Day Without A Woman" were not useful manners of fighting for women's rights. She argues that women should, instead, donate and volunteer at organizations that help women. Also, she says women need to empower one another and not punish and shame women who think differently. Women should earn respect and recognition by going to work and working hard, not taking the day off to show men they cannot do anything without women.
               I agree with the fact that women need to start empowering women more and respecting one another. One thing I disagree with is that marches and protests do not do anything for women's rights. I believe that they have a major impact on whether people take the movement seriously or not. Protests and marches allow for people to let their voices be heard and for people to meet others with similar beliefs. They are outlets for those who want to speak out on subjects they are passionate about. I am split down the middle with this issue, though, because I believe we all should speak up about things that are bothering us in society, but I also believe that women should join forces with men to fix societal issues such as sexism. I do not believe full gender equality will be achieved with protests solely, but I think protests are a great start for movements. But to me, leaving work to show men how much they need women is a bit extreme and uncalled for.
               I chose this article because I am very interested in women's rights and its movement. I want to learn more about the things I can do to empower women and men throughout the world. I believe that a lot of work has been done to improve gender equality in the United States, but believe there is still some more work to do.


  1. I enjoyed how you informed us of what the author wrote, and then responded to it with how you felt afterwards. Even though you disagreed, you weren't rude, and simply stated your opinion on the subject. Great job!

  2. I agree that marches are not the most affective way to protest something. I like the way you stated your opinion as well. Great job with this.

  3. I love your response! I completely agree protests are important to start movements but cannot change everything by itself. Good job!


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